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Monday, August 12, 2013

How We Can Stop Ruining PSL

By on 12:15 PM

This is obviously for Port Saint Lucie, Florida residents, so let's begin there.

First of all, let's get one thing straight - no one is forcing you to live here. Period. If you don't like it, get the hell out. But before you're like OMG PSL SUCKSSS blah blah, let's pause to consider the role that you play in that dynamic.

I think the biggest complaint I hear from people is how PSL is all about the drama. A town can not create drama. Read that twice. Maybe a third time if you're still hesitating on coming to terms with it. The best part is the people who usually make this argument are some of the most two faced people that live here. They're like "I hate drama, I'm just living my life." and five minutes later are like "Did you hear what whoever did? What a slut/bitch/asshole." Etc. Etc. You reap what you sow. If all you put out is negative vibes and only have bad things to say about people, that's all you're going to see. Bonus points if you stop talking shit about people that trust you as soon as you're around someone that doesn't like them.

Also, quit complaining. Nobody cares and it changes nothing.

To touch on the drugs and violence that we see more and more of lately, let the pill head degenerates and trigger happy douchebags take each other out. Save your friends from the dark side, if possible, but understand that this is a nationwide thing - so stop pretending it's all about this city.

How about my favorite lame excuse... "There's nothing to do here." This is only kinda true. Sure, it's easy to say you have to go down south to find something to do - but that's really not true. Is there a totally awesome list of extensive choices? No. Is there more than getting drunk and going to the beach? Yes. The biggest lesson here is if you don't like something, change it. Props to the area promoters that are trying to put together events with themes you haven't seen a thousand times. But more importantly, get involved. If you're annoyed there isn't a Thai Dominican Fusion Cooking Class, start one. And so it goes. You guys are smart and interesting, whether or not you always act like it, so try using some of that talent to make your town a better place. You're here. Make it better for everyone. This is exceptionally true if you're planning on raising kids here- teach them they can make anything interesting if they come up with an idea and go with it.

The one biggest thing, if you're bored or annoyed or whatever with how life is here... you should probably acknowledge that what you're doing with your own life comes into play there. If you aren't actively enriching your life somehow - a hobby, a passion, something - that isn't able to be boiled down to consumption and vapid meanderings, you're never going to be happy anywhere you live. Your town is a venue for your life, what you do with it is entirely up to you.

To quote one of the to-be-released It's That Girl B songs, 'It doesn't matter where you are, it's what you do'. Yes, I just quoted myself. Whatever. I'm usually right about these things.

So please, for everyone's sake, stop ruining PSL. You can't blame the whole town for your own shortcomings.

dats B, yo!

About Jess Brewi

Jess Brewi lives in South Florida and has (roughly) 7 jobs, 6 books in progress, 5 secrets, 4 really good friends, 3 new year's resolutions, 2 (mostly) adorable children, and 1 man who tolerates all the aforementioned.


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