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Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Give A Fuck

By on 6:15 PM

I know I love to tell you guys how you're doing it wrong, but this is an exception. Sort of.

Everyday I see someone repping the IDGAF, zero fucks given, etc.

What you need to understand here, guys, is there is a time and place to not give a fuck. So sure, sometimes you're doing it right using this. But if you're claiming your whole lifestyle is some variation on not giving a fuck, you are totally doing it wrong.

Let's go through some examples of great times to not give a fuck:
When you lose your wallet.
When your pet dies.
When you run into your ex.
When you get fired.

So on and so forth. Basically, anything replaceable is an excellent time to not give a fuck.

But see, my issue is seeing some of you so excited to not care about things you totally should care about. Your career, your family, your friends. And not in the sense that you just show up and exist in these things. For life to be really enjoyable, it requires effort on your part.

I was all set out to just chastise you all, but it occurred to me- this is clearly learned behavior. So let's touch on that for a minute.

I was there once. Where I actively conditioned myself to not give a fuck anymore. So trust me when I say, I totally get it. The world is brutal, scary and unfair. This is all true. But when you start to change yourself to desensitize yourself against the world, you aren't winning. You're missing out.

I'm going to assume that that's what most of you guilty of this did. Something happened that crushed you, and it was easier to teach yourself how to feel it less than it was the embrace the pain. And that's okay. Sometimes we need to do that, but the catch is you have to figure out when to bring yourself out of it. If you're on more than a year of not giving a fuck about anything, it's definitely time.

So how do you do that? Learned behavior is tricky to break, and it requires effort on your part.

An obvious start is to find something that engages your heart in a meaningful way. I'm not talking tear jerker romantic comedies, I mean something substantial. The obvious choice is to volunteer your time- when you start making a difference for someone else that has substantially more reason to be jaded than you are, your problems will seem petty in comparison. If that's not your style, start by doing things for your friends that will make them feel good. You'll feel great for helping people you care about- maybe playing matchmaker for your single friend, or something as stupid as buying a friend a beer after a hard day. It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as your breaking your patterns of the selfishness that is focusing on self interest.

If you're extra jaded, there's a possibility that simple actions like these won't do anything for you. Probably because you've been practicing not giving a fuck for years, and it's ingrained in your very being. Therapy would probably help, but we're going to assume you're a DIY kinda self fixer. Try talking to someone you genuinely trust. If you don't have someone you're okay with knowing all the inner workings of your soul, start a journal. The goal here is to get the negative feelings and resentment out of your head. Find an outlet for whatever it was that caused you to be this way.

I will promise you, once you get out of your bubble of nothing touching you and back into actually experiencing your life, you'll feel so much better. The stuff that sucks is just part of the ride, just remember to try and put it in perspective as just one thing that's not working, as opposed to cutting half of your feelings off. Not feeling it won't really make it suck less, it'll just make you less of a person. And who really wants to live their life halfway?

Give a fuck, seriously. You deserve it.

dats B, yo!

About Jess Brewi

Jess Brewi lives in South Florida and has (roughly) 7 jobs, 6 books in progress, 5 secrets, 4 really good friends, 3 new year's resolutions, 2 (mostly) adorable children, and 1 man who tolerates all the aforementioned.


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