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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Playlist : Week Of 1/12/14

Overplayed this week.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Playlist : Week Of 12/22

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Playlist : Thanks

For your being grateful and such.

Playlist : Week Of 11/24


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playlist : Week Of 11/17

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Playlist : Week Of 11/3

How To Tell What Type Of Liar Someone Is

Everybody lies. No exceptions. Everyone you know has lied to you, at some point, period. The question is really what kind of lies are we talking about.

Generally speaking, there are 2 types of liars.

You have the ones who tell white lies, someone with a good reason and sometimes not, but these are the liars that omit details usually to spare someone's feelings. If something isn't a big deal, they'll leave it out if they know it'll bother someone they love. These are the regular everyday variety of lies, the kind for the most part universally accepted.

It's the other type of liar you really need to worry about.

These are the liars that prefer to tell big lies. And typically not just big lies, we're talking totally colossal ridiculous lies. It's hard to differentiate this liar from a regular average liar, but there's some tell tale signs.

The first and most obvious one, they'll skip the white lies. They'll tell you every minute detail of something that doesn't matter, knowing it will bother you. This is to give the allusion of honesty. This is a smokescreen, a distraction. Because it leads you to believe that they are telling you the whole truth. But really they're feeding you these details to make it easier to hide larger, more obvious lies. They love these opportunities, they make a mountain out of a molehill so it seems like they really tell you everything. They're not.

This is the type of the liar that makes for great federal agents, serial killers, shady jerks and so on - generally anyone trying to lead a double life. Not that this type of liar is restricted to sociopaths, but it is generally associated with a certain degree of prioritizing self interest over almost everything else. This is the one that maintains their image and public perception by only eclipsing their private actions. They lie to protect themselves from the repercussions of the truth. This is the ruthless type of liar that will do anything possible to keep their lies from being found out.

You'll know the type if you ever have the audacity to question their honesty, because they will absolutely blow up about it and spin it into somehow being your fault for not being trusting, or whatever. Just generally a whole lot of anger and faux astonishment that you would dare to second guess a word of it. This is designed to trick you into believing that they're hurt by your totally natural gut reaction to being lied to.

We're obviously not touching on the pathological liars, mostly because those are so easily caught in their own lies you'd probably already know if you're dealing with one.

You're always going to have to deal with a certain amount of lies from people you know and love, but hopefully now you'll be able to tell if they're really keeping a huge secret from you, instead of just not telling you how fat you look in that dress.